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Saturday, 18 December 2010

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Hi guys,
I thought we should play a little game :P

It works like this:
You have to pick your Favrouite quest and explain why its your favrouite

I will chose the best and post them for everyone to see

Enjoy typing about your Quests



coolcrisp said...

what do you mean by quest??

-coolcrisp :D

Fivestarshark said...

I liked the chopix quest a lot! Not only do you get lots of bugs, but you have so much fun! You explore all over chobots to find these spies :D. You need something fast to catch them, I'd recommend hover boards, rocket boots, teleportation, or speed magic :) Have fun!

Thomas said...

Hello guys...

my favourite quest has to be chistobob because youn have to go round the whole of te chobots city to find all of that rubbish. And you have to wear this cool costume. I also Like chopix becuase you have to find the ncho spies.

I hope i win and goodluck to everyone else


Blaine said...

Hi :)

My favorite quest in ALL of chobots.com is choproff because this game gives you...

A: knowledge :)
B: a ton of bugs
C: a fun time learning! ^_^

~musicmaker25 :)))

toba99 said...


my absolutely best quest would be to do choproff because its some challenging questions and if you get it right you can earn money in a snap


Jilli said...

I like all quests cus they're all cool. Chobot rox.


Yianman said...

The Chopix quest is as epic as... you novo!! You get lots of money, and you're proud to know that you saved Chobots :) It also teaches you coordination and being alert x)

xFruityloopyx said...

i like coin rain cus its colorful and level 1 is hard and sometimes i lose but i get money and i like money cus i can buy glasses and i like glasses cus they make me look totally awesoem and i like being awesome cus i am

Julz said...

i like the quests where you have to fight off the evil gremlins and get to unicorn island. it's a pretty cool quest, except i can't get past level 7, so can someone help me? i need to know how much to tickle jerry the unicorn so i can get through the bridge of wonders. i was thinking i could play baseball with his friend larry but i was afraid that nate would get mad. perhaps i should just tell jerry a joke? if anyone knows what to do, pc me on chobots! i really need to get to the rainbow slides. i was told it leads to gold, and that could really help me throughout the game. is it really true that if you feed abby gold she'll dance for you? can someone please answer me? i'm so stuck and i really need help. this is my favorite quest of all time and it beats all the other quests involving unicorns. HELPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julz said...

oh and william if you want any gravy i can really just lend you some. all you have to do is ask

Julz said...

i'd also like to point out my pet hamster is constipated :l can someone give me a tip on how to pry the metabolical waste out of him?

Julz said...

no one takes me seriously nowadays
but i'll be back in 16 seconds.

i am back. miss me, for i will do this again

coolcrisp said...

Ok, my favourite quest is... Christochob (did I spell that correct) because it's really encouraging to help everyone clear up litter in the real world :) And that is very important.I also like Christochob because he gives you the most random cleaning suit so you can suck up the litter and make chobots look sparkling again! That is why Christochob is my favourite quest.


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